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Selecting The Right Neighbourhood

Posted on Apr 21, 2015 in News

Choosing the right neighbourhood is just as important as picking the right home. Perhaps it is even more important. 

After all, you may be able to renovate a kitchen, but you can't move a nearby bus stop, or make a playground magically appear within walking distance.

The neighbourhood you choose to live in has a huge effect on your lifestyle and that...

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Pretend You're A Buyer

Posted on Apr 07, 2015 in News

An effective technique to help you sell your property quickly and for the best price is to put yourself in the shoes of a potential buyer. Don’t just visualize this. Actually do it! 

Drive to your property and imagine that you’re seeing it for the first time. What’s your impression? Is the landscaping attractive? Are the walkways clear? Is the front...

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Make Two Wish Lists When Shopping For A New Home

Posted on Mar 24, 2015 in News

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When shopping for a new home, create a wish list of the features and characteristics you want. After all, there’s no sense looking at properties with kitchenettes when you won’t settle for anything less than a full-sized kitchen that Julia Child would envy. 

But there are probably some features that are nice-to-haves but not must-haves. For example...

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The #1 Ingredient Needed To Sell Your Home Quickly

Posted on Mar 10, 2015 in News

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There’s a long list of ingredients needed to sell your home quickly. Obviously, you want to make your home as clean and uncluttered as possible. You should also make sure any outstanding repairs are done. And, of course, all the little things you can do to make your home “show” well are important, too.

But the number one ingredient needed to sell yo...

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Why You Should Order Your Own Credit Report

Posted on Feb 17, 2015 in News

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“I don’t have a problem with credit,” a potential new home buyer says. “I pay my bills on time. I never have trouble getting a loan.”

That may be true. However, according to several surveys, most people are surprised by at least one piece of information in their credit report. And it only takes one derogatory item to create an obstacle to getting th...

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Fresh Air Sells

Posted on Feb 03, 2015 in News

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The problem with household smells is that we get accustomed to them… when they are in our own homes. However, it takes just a few seconds in a stranger’s home, to know if a smoker lives there. The smell is in the air!

So when you put your home on the market, think about the common smells you might have lingering around your property. Remember, you m...

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