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How To Be A Smart Home Viewer

Posted on Oct 04, 2015 in News

Viewing new homes on the market can be a very exciting and a fast-paced experience — especially if you’re also selling your current property. You see a home you like, you fall in love with some of its key features and, before you know it, you’re making an offer. But, if you haven’t taken the time to consider some of the details, you may wind up dis...

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How Much Is Your Home Worth?

Posted on Sep 22, 2015 in News

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Your home has both a personal value and a market value.

When you think of your home as a place where a family is raised and memories are built, then it’s like those popular MasterCard commercials on television: Your home’s value is “priceless”.

But when it comes to how much your home is worth to potential buyers, then things get much less sentimental...

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What Do Buyers Want to Pay For Your Home?

Posted on Sep 01, 2015 in News

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If you’re selling your home, you’ll have a very personal perspective on what it‘s worth. You’ll remember all the hours you put into making the backyard flower garden beautiful, or the work you put into renovating the basement, or the money you spent on installing new hardwood floors in the livingroom and hallways. 

It’s natural to want these improvem...

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What Should You Expect From Your Realtor®?

Posted on Aug 18, 2015 in News

You probably know that a Realtor does more than just post a FOR SALE sign on your front lawn, or guide potential buyers through your home. But how much more? What exactly will a real estate agent do for you? Taking the time upfront to understand what to expect from your agent will help to reduce misunderstandings, and make the selling process less...

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Identifying Your Home's Unique Features

Posted on Aug 04, 2015 in News

It is surprising how often homeowners fail to recognize the unique value their individual property holds. The distinct property characteristics that set a home apart from other homes provide important selling perspectives that often become decision-making factors for interested buyers. The key is to understand your home’s most “marketable” features...

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To Paint Or Not To Paint

Posted on Jul 21, 2015 in News

Painting the outside of your home traditionally takes more time and expense than a comparable area on the inside. You have to deal with ladders, more paint and, of course, the weather. So when preparing your house for sale, you don’t want to do any exterior painting unless it is really necessary.

How can you tell? Walk across the street and cast a c...

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